How to Create a Sales Quotation

How to Create a Sales Quotation

Introduction to Sales Quotations

Sales Quotation transactions are used for quoting a customer for a product, service or fee. In this guide, you’ll learn how to create product and fee type sales quotations in Thrive, and see how to quickly convert them to sales orders using our transaction conversion feature.

Table of Contents

Video walkthrough on how to Create Sales Quotations

Creating Sales Quotes

  1. Open the Sales Module and click Sales Quotations
  2. on the Sales Quotations list screen, click New Sales Quotation.
  3. Enter your Customer Account
  4. If required, enter a PO Reference Number.

Product Types

  1. In the Transaction Type dropdown, choose Product
  2. image
  3. Add a new line item, and enter your Product.
  4. Add a Quantity.
  5. Click Save.

Fee Types

  1. In the Transaction Type dropdown, choose Fee.
  2. image
  3. Add a new line item, and enter the Details for the service.
  4. Add a Net amount.
  5. Click Save.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I convert Sales Quotations to Sales Orders?

  1. Open the overflow menu for a Sales Quotation, or use the Actions Dropdown when viewing a Sales Quotation.
  2. Click Generate Sales Order.
  3. Make any necessary edits to your Order, then click save.
  4. Your Sales Order will be created, with a link to the original Sales Quotation.

How do I view the stock level for a product?

  • To view the stock level for a product while creating your quotation, use the More Info ℹ️ icon on the right of the line item. This will bring up the transaction analysis for this product.

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